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Bruton Cherry Petty Prince Stegall
A Stewart County TN , Time Line
1796- Tennessee was made the 16th state of the union and the county of Tennessee divided into Montgomery and Robertson Counties. Montgomery County included what is now Stewart, Houston, Humphreys, and all land to the Alabama line.
1798-George Petty and James Andrews were living near the site of Dover. Samuel Boyd (Boyt) had settled on Panther Creek, Brittain Sexton had settled on Standing Rock Creek. Most had come by 1795.
1802- James and son Ephraim Gatlin had reached the area, as had Samuel Skinner and his brothers.
1804 - The first license to operate a ferry at Dover was granted to Mason Bennett. George Petty received permission to operate a ferry and to keep a tavern at Dover.
1805- Land purchased from Robert Nelson for the purpose of establishing a county seat. The Tennessee legislature wished it to be named Monroe for James Monroe, but instead it became known as Dover. George Petty built the first house in the town.
TN stewart co.
Excerpts from "The Kentucky Land Grants: A Systematic Index to All of the Land Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky, 1782-1924," by Willard Rouse Jillson, 1971.
Grants South of Walker's Line
"A small group of grants consisting of eight books known as the Grants South of Walker's Lineâ¦were issued from 1825 to 1923 and consist of 4,583 separate grants. They are located, as their title suggests, 'South of Walker's Line,' and north of the parallel 36 degrees and 30 minutes, a line which was accurately established in 1819 by Robert Alexander and Luke Munsell, following legislative appointment. Dr. Walker in running his line for the southern boundary of Kentucky in 1779-80 failed to establish the true parallel of 36 degrees and 30 minutes, his line falling variously from six to ten miles north of the true parallel. Since the old Walker line had been established as the southern boundary of Kentucky and covers a considerable distance, it will be seen that the lands indicated in these grants were really in Tennessee. To settle the matter an agreement was reached in 1820 by the Commissioners selected by the states of Kentucky and Tennessee, in furtherance of which Kentucky was given the right to issue grants for all of the territory lying north of parallel 36 degrees and 30 minutes and east of the Tennessee River. The surveys in this system are not recorded, but are found in file boxes in the Land Office."
Bruton, George 25 2 129 03-24-1828 Stewart Panther Cr
Bruton, George heirs 50 3 203 04-06-1835 Stewart none
Bruton, Parson 50 2 97 04-16-1827 Stewart Hughes Cr
Bruton, William 50 3 25 01-09-1833 Stewart Barretts Cr
Bruton, William 50 3 26 01-10-1833 Stewart Barretts Cr
Selected Records from the Stewart Co TN tax list 1827-1851
Capt Bruton's
Extracts of Stewart County Circuit Court Minutes
BRUTON, Sally, vs William BRUTON petition for divorce Sept. 1821
Stewart County Court Minutes: Extracts from 1833
Parsons Bruton, Alexander Abels
... Deed of conveyance from Parsons Bruton to Alexander Abels, 55 acres, oaths of Benjamin Herndon and John T. Bailey, and also for 50 acres. ... August 4, 1833
Stewart County Deed Book C, 1789-1818
218. Abel OLIVE to George BRUTON, Negro woman and 2 children for ; wit: Edward W. DONALD; 11 Dec 1809
... to the mouth of Panther Creek thence up Panther Creek to the Road leading from Nolin's Ferry to Brighwell's Ferry thence with said Road to ... William Bruton's thence continuing the road to the beginning. District 9 Commensing at the mouth of Panther Creek on Tennessee River running thence up the River ...
sally (cherry) bruton ... daughter of william cherry
1822, May 21. DB O (6):550, Stewart Co., TN. Bond--Sally Bruton to
Prescot Crisp, .00
Know all men by these presents that I Salley Bruton of County of
Stewart and State of Tennessee am held and firmly bound to Prescot Crisp
of the County and State aforesaid in the sum of five hundred dollars to
which payment I bend myself my heirs Exr adms or assigns &c--
Now the meaning of this obligation is such that whereas the said
Sally Bruton has bargained & sold unto the said Prescot Crisp all my
right title claim and Interest that I have in a Certain piece or parcel
of land lying in the County of Edgecomb and State of North Carolina on
the waters big & little Keneter Creeks which land I Claim of the Estate
of my Deceased Father William Cherry whereof Michal May is Administrator
and Roderick Cherry Guardian of said Sally Bruton and Containing by
Estimation Eighty four acres be the same more or less-- Now if the said
Sally Bruton Shall make a good and lawful right and Deed of Conveyance
to the said Crisp when a Division of said land takes place then this
obligation shall be of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force
against her and her heirs forever as witness my hand and seal this 21
day of May AD 1822. Signed: Sally ( ) Bruton Wit: Thos H. King,
John Robbins.
State of Tennessee, Stewart Co., Court. February Term 1823. The
within bond was proven in open Court by the oath of Thomas H. King &
John Robbins, Subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be
Registered. Test. Robert Cooper Clerk of Stewart Co., Court.
Registered March the 5th 1823. (See 1823, April 18, Edgecomb Co., NC,
: DB __:499-500, Prescot Crisp's deed was proven in Ct. Feb. Term.
1830, Edgecomb Co., NC)
"...I the said Prescot Crisp doth warrant the 4/6 part of the above
bounded land, it being the shares of Nancy Lingo, Sally Brewton, Lezena
Marymon & Reback Moore, heirs of William Cherry deceased unto the said
Frederick Taylor...Signed: Prescot Crisp. Wit. W. D. Staton, R.
Cherry, Edgecomb Co., Ct. Feb. 1830. Deed was proven by W. D. Staton."
[1802: Wm. Cherry Sen. to Wm. Jr. Edgecomb. NC. Wm. Cherry, Warren
Co., Ky (1809) sold land adj. Sam'. Cherry in Edgecomb Co., NC. Levina
Cherry, dau.of Wm. Cherry. Deeds 11, 1804)]
1808, Aug. William Cherry (File 165) Petition for dower by the widow
Susanah Cherry, stating he died in 1807 possessed of 450 acres adj.
Benjamin ?Whitfield, Samuel Cherry and Willie Council. Dower allotted,
Oct. 14, 1808. Year's provisions allotted, Nov. 18, 1807. (Records of
Estates, Edgecombe Co., NC, 1761-18225, Vol. I, David B. Gammon, ©1989,
p. 20)
1808, Aug. 22. (Estate papers, NC Archives) State of North Carolina. To
the Sheriff of Edgecombe County Greeting. You are hereby command to
summon a jury of good & lawful men of your county personally to attend
on the premises at such time as you may appoint--then and there to lay
off & allot unto Susana Cherry her legal Dower in all the Lands lying &
being in Edgecombe county of which her late husband William Cherry died
siezed and possessed--agreeably to the prayer of her petition--
1809, August Ct. (Estate papers, NC Archives) The petition of Susanah
Cherry to the worshipful the County Curt of Edgecombe next respectfully
represents That whereas William Cherry the Husband of your petitioner
died intestate leaving no last will and testament sometimes in the year
1807 and whereas the said deceased died seized & possed (?) of a tract
of land containing an estimation four hundred & fifty acres lying in the
county aforesaid & adjoining the lands of Benjm Whitfield, Samuel Cherry
& William Council & your petitioner therefore pray that your worships
will direct your Clerk to give an order comanding the Sherif to summon a
Jury of Good and lawful freeholders to app---on the premises & allot to
your petitioner one third part of the lands of said deceased Husband
agreeable to Act of Assembly in such case made & proc---- &your
petitioner is duty bound with --- pray & s/Susannah Cherry aug. Court
Sally (cherry) bruton
gave her inheritance to Marvel. "…for and in consideration of
the natural love and affection which She the Said Sally Bruton bears
toward her Said Son the Said Marville M. Bruton and for the further
Consideration of five dollars lawful money of the State of Tennessee…"
It is possible that this is her ONLY son.
" NOTE ...
that William Cherry died in 1807. His widow, Susannah, received her 1/3
share in 1809. Also note that Prescott Crisp sold the four women's 4/6
interest in William Cherry's land in 1823, 16 years after his death. It
is also probable that Susannah, the widow may have married again. So
some people may be correct in ASSUMING that Prescott Crisp married
Sussannah Cherry, the widow of William."
TN stewart ... biographies
William P. Bruton
William P. Bruton, the druggist of Dover is the only child of William M. and Emaline (Skinner) Bruton. The father's native state was Mississippi, but when a mere boy he went with his parents to Alabama, and afterward moved to Stewart County and married Miss Skinner, a native of that county. Soon after marriage they located on the farm and spent the remainder of their days in agricultural pursuits. In 1860 the mother was summoned to join the number less dead and some two years later the father married Mrs. Bertha Raworth. He belonged to the Christian Church and was a Democrat. His second wife was a communicant of the same church. he still lives at the age of seventy-three. William claims Irish descent from his father's side. William the subject of this sketch, was born in 1835 in Stewart County. He was educated on the farm and in the country schools. At the age of twenty he commenced clerking for Skinner & Scarborough, and after six months' experience became a partner of the latter. Later he engaged in the dry goods business with Le Master, continuing till the war. Since that he has done an active business in the drug line. He and Harriet A. Le Master solemnized their nuptial rites in 1859. Two children were born of this union. Mrs. Bruton is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. For twelve years successively he has held the office of county ranger, and since 1880 has been postmaster of Dover, filling the position very acceptably. Mr. Bruton has been in business at Dover for twenty-six years, and gained good financial footing.
http://www.rootsweb.com/~tnstewar/gsbio2.htm#George W. Gatlin
George W. Gatlin
George W. Gatlin, a son of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Bruton) Gatlin is one of the oldest native farmers of Stewart County. The father was born in North Carolina, and when a boy came to this county with his parents and settled at Gatlin Shoals in 1802. The mother came to this county about 1812. After marriage they made Stewart Coutny their home, and here raised a family of twelve children. For many years the father a minister in the Free-Will Baptist Church. A Democrat in politics, he was sent as a delegate from this state to consider the Missouri Compromise. After a life of great usefulness he passed abway at the age of sixty-seven. His widow lived to see the return of eighty-one winters. George's paternal ancestors were Dutch; his maternal Dutch and Irish. The subject of this biograhy was born in 1820 and received a very common education. At the age of sixteen he began for himself: having borrowed money of a widow to buy 200 acres, he paid for it by work; since he has increased it to 1,200 acres. In 1840 he married Lucinda M. Gray, by whom he had seven children, four of whom still live. Mrs. Gatlin was a Presbyterian in belief' she passed from the toils of earth in 1885. In 1861 he volunteered to serve in Company D, of the Fourth Tennessee Infantry and at the first attack on Donelson he received a wound in the head, disabling him for life. Mr. Gatlin has been very successful in business; having started on a small beginning he has become one of the heaviest tax payers in the county. He is a stanch Democrat
BRUTON ... census records
end ********
william cherry (17??)NC - (1807)NC edgecomb
1790 NC Federal Census: Edgecomb County:
James CHERRY - {1-2-3-0-0} pg. 57
Levi CHERRY- {1-2-7-0-1} pg. 55
Robert CHERRY- {1-0-0-0-0} pg. 55
* William CHERRY- {1-0-2-0-0} pg. 55
William CHERRY#2 - {1-0-2-0-0} pg. 55
Wily CHERRY- {1-0-0-0-0} pg. 55
Wright CHERRY- {1-0-1-0-0} pg. 55
1800 NC Federal Census: Edgecomb County:
Aaron CHERRY - {20010-00010-1-5}
Levi CHERRY- {22001-12301-0-2}
Robert CHERRY - {20001-20010-0-7}
Willis CHERRY - {00010-30100-0-0}
Witten CHERRY - {10010-10100-0-0}
1810 NC Federal Census: Edgecomb County:
Miller CHERRY, Sr.
Obediah CHERRY
Willis CHERRY(#2)
Stewart County 1820 Census
Head of Family
0-10 10-16 16-18 18-26 26-45 45 & Up
0-10 10-16 16-26 26-45 45 & Up
Ephraim Gatlin 00001 - 51010
( wow 6 girls ! )
1840 census index ... TN stewart co.
elizabeth gatlin
1850 census ... TN stewart co.
Elisabeth GATLIN 64 f w farmer 1028 NC ... ( bruton )
Parthe WEAKS 17 f w Tenn
Ephraim GATLIN 27 m w farmer 1200 Tenn
Martha 23 f w Tenn
William 4 m w Tenn
Parthena ROSS 21 f w Ky
her son's family , lives next door.
Click here: 1850 Census - Stewart County
John PETTY 55 m w inn keeper 1200 SC
Tamar 45 f w NC
Calvina 15 f w Tenn
Fredonia 13 f w Tenn
Theora 9 f w Tenn
Ivena 5 f w Tenn
george bruton + sally cherry
...(5) tamar bruton (1805)NC ... married 5-19-1825 TN stewart
.........+ john w petty (1795)TN stewart - (1863)TX guadalupe
........ ( brother of priannah petty )
1850 census ... TN stewart
Elizabeth SKINNER 63 f w farmer 600 NC ... ( ??? bruton )
Hariet 37 f w Tenn
Dudly LUETON 22 m w farmer Tenn
Rebecca 19 f w Tenn
Mary SKINNER 15 f w Tenn
Rice WILLIAMS 31 m w school teacher Tenn
David P Bruton: (1853-1937)
David Bruton, aged 84, passed away at the home of his son at Pennington
Friday night, April 2, after a short illness of pneumonia.
The deceased is survived by two daughters and four sons, Mrs. M. M.
Stegall and Mrs. W. A. Campbell of Stegall, David Bruton Jr. of
Pennington, Willie of Johnstown, Albert of Brinkley and Lester of Flint,
Funeral services were conducted at Pennington Sunday. Interment was
made in the Pennington cemetery.
rita jane (hill) stout (1874-1957)
( daughter of martha j prince +
george l hill )
Mrs. Rettie J. Stout, Newport Octogenarian (Gazette State News
Service) Newport, May 15, (1957). (The obituary was probably taken
from the Newport Independent (newspaper).
Mrs. Rettie J. Stout, aged 82, a lifelong resident of Newport, died
Sunday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. R. E. Burkett, here. She was a
Methodist. Survivors include also two sons, George Harris of Des Arc
and Elmer Harris of Thida; another daughter, Mrs. W. C. Byrd of Florida;
a step-daughter, Mrs. Johnnie McDougal of Union Hill; two half-brothers,
Lester Bruton of Michigan and Dock Bruton of Amagon; two half-sisters,
Mrs. Monroe Campbell of Stegall and Mrs. Virgie Stegall of Michigan;
three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Funeral was Tuesday
at Dillinger Funeral Chapel by Rev. Pryor R. Cruce. Burial was at
Walnut Grove Cemetery.
Vergie Ella (bruton) Stegall (1887-1963)
: A Memorial Tribute.
In Loving Memory of Vergie Ella Stegall, Born January 16, 1887, Passed
Away May 16, 1963; Services: Garden City Church of Christ, Garden
City, Michigan, May 18, 1963, 1:00 P.M.; Officiating, Mr. Coleman
Almond. Interment: Roseland Park Cemetery; Arrangements by Caldwell
Funeral Home
EMAIL : larry m stegall (1962)AR jackson
larry m stegall (1962)AR jackson